Frequently Asked Questions

What is an intuitive life coach?

An intuitive life coach is someone who empowers spiritual seekers to play their divine part in the Universe and know (and embody) who they are on a soul level. I look at it as creating safe space for another to do deep work to create lasting, sustainable change that resonates with who you truly are—like learning to dance with the Universe in your own unique way. Being intuitively-guided is a magical and powerful way to live. It’s saved me countless heartaches and mishaps (and has given me numerous blessings). One of my favorite things is teaching others how to tap into their intuition and live more in alignment, body, mind & soul.

What does it mean to come alive?

Coming alive is a process—a life-long waking up to the joy of being alive. It’s that sense of feeling full of potential and seeing the world in all its nuanced beauty. The feeling when you know why you’re here on Earth and are embodying who you were meant to be each day. For me coming alive signaled a radical departure from my mostly dissatisfying, humdrum life into a life full of meaning, purpose, inner peace, and joy.

Can you recommend any books to help me on my journey?

Books have been some of my greatest teachers and I have been inspired and changed by so many. Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch is one of my favorite go-tos (several books). So is Return to Love by Marianne Williamson. Their books really turned the tide for me when I was in a dark night of the soul. I also loved The Sophia Code by Kaia Ra as a powerful awakening tool for the divine feminine in each of us. The Hero Within by Carol S. Pearson is a great intro to the hero’s journey and the main archetypes that shape us. Ask Your Guides by Sonia Choquette is an excellent book to learn how to get in touch with our divine support system. For soul-affirming fiction, some of my favorites are What Lies Beyond the Stars by Michael Goorjian and The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. As always, go where you are guided.

What makes you come alive, Nicole?

Hey, so glad you asked. One of my most favorite questions. :) I love to dance; dancing of any kind. Dancing in the dark, in the rain, or on a dance floor. I also enjoy rollerblading. I love being in nature. I love being with my loved ones and sharing a good cup of tea or conversation. I love allowing myself to be guided by my intuition while on walks & talking with my guides and angels. I thoroughly enjoy traveling in beautiful places around the world and speaking in different languages (I speak French, Spanish and some Arabic). I love connecting with others over good food and their hearts’ desires. I love to laugh. I love to sing and create transformational healing spaces for others around the globe.