About Nicole
A Journey of Many Paths
A travel lover and truth seeker—I lived all over the world, drawn to places that spoke to me on a soul level. I watched the sun rise in the Sahara desert and I bathed in the sacred Ganges river. I did work trade and volunteer programs to see the world—from a small mountain hamlet in the Alps to a far-flung island off the coast of Scotland to an ancient holy city in India. I studied the languages of the mystics, the poets, the lovers, and the explorers. I was driven to find my purpose and relentlessly sought how to heal myself and feel at peace.
Underneath the surface, however, I felt trapped in relentless cycles of doubt and suffering—my Shadow self as the covert captain of my ship. I constantly self-sabotaged whenever things got to be too good and held myself back from fully diving into Joy and true embodiment. I felt trapped in a draining codependent cycle, and despite my best intentions and everything I had learned, I kept burning out. Although I knew I had so much magic and light within me, I was ruled by my Shadow (fear).
Life felt like a constant battle that I couldn’t win… until I found another way of being. I had repeatedly cast myself as a victim of my own life and it took many dark nights of the soul and a few precious, wonderful teachers to help me learn how to embody a different way of being. One of authenticity, fulfillment, truth, and compassion.

My world radically changed when I began incorporating these 5 Steps to Fulfillment into my daily life:
Authentic Embodiment
Rightful action
Direct connection to the divine
I now enjoy being alive & feeling fulfilled everyday and teach others to do the same.
My simple invitation to you is this:
Come alive to Joy. Come alive to the beauty of who you are. Come alive and experience the gift life has given you. Come alive and set yourself free.
What are you waiting for?
What if you could receive what you’ve always longed for in this lifetime?
A born psychic and empath, I am blessed to use my gifts to help others awaken to the truth of who they are.
Together we uncover what it is you truly desire in your heart of hearts and any limiting beliefs that keep you from living your destiny. I am gifted at seeing the underlying patterns and root causes of why we do what we do and with your willingness, help guide you to gently and completely untether yourself from that which no longer serves you while opening the door to call in and receive what you yearn for.
A student of identity + culture
I majored in anthropology in college. I was very interested in learning how individuals formed their identities in relation to larger cultural narratives and stories society perpetuates. I deepened my studies of identity and culture through my extensive travels, always seeking the answer to the questions: What shapes us? And who are we really? I am blessed to have lived with dozens of families and people all over the world. I learned a lot about what it means to be human and what makes for a satisfying and fulfilling life (and what doesn’t) from my studies of human nature across the planet.
Spirituality studies
From the beginning of my life, it was clear that I was an old soul with a mission…I just didn’t know what that mission was. As a little girl, I could see angels’ lights and often talked to my angels while in the bathroom (a great place to have a private chat with celestial beings, it turns out). I had a deep sense I was here for more but didn’t know how to put that in action. I grew up with a spiritual mom and learned a lot from her & the healing power of Mother Nature. I often wondered what I was here on Earth to do and spent much of my young adult life seeking the answer.
In college, I had a spiritual awakening experience that left me raw and shaken days after and with an undeniable awareness that I could channel higher guidance and see where souls were at in their incarnation journeys.
After college, I went through a shattering personal loss and my life (as I knew it) fell apart. Unbeknownst to me at the time, my hero’s journey had begun in earnest.
I dove into many spiritual books and went to workshops and trainings to deepen my spiritual awareness. Inner child work and shadow work particularly made a huge difference in my quality of life.
Meditation and several wonderful teachers & mentors significantly shaped my spirituality journey. Learning and feeling that I have an infinite supply of peace and unconditional love both within & outside of me was beyond words. Learning from people who ‘walked the talk’ helped me realize how possible it was for me to move through my own layers of pain and suffering to embody a different way of being.
Overtime, all that I had studied for years began to click into place: I was actually living what I had talked and read about, and it was working. I was finally ‘at home’ in myself and felt more and more grounded and at peace.
Past careers as a teacher and social worker
For many years, I was drawn to working with and learning from the world’s most resilient people (refugees, kids, teenagers with a history of trauma). I studied and learned first hand how our Shadows can warp our lives and our perception of what’s real, and how to slowly rework those patterns in concert with our bodies and nervous systems. Before my shift to life coaching, I was a youth counselor to at-risk teens in Colorado. I was trained in trauma-informed care by some of the country’s leading experts in trauma and learned a lot about body-based solutions to help heal trauma and regulate our nervous systems.
Certifications & training
In 2017 I took a somatic awareness/embodiment training in Spain. This became the basis and key for my own healing and I have dived more intensely into authentic embodiment and somatic awareness practices as the years have progressed.
In 2018, I was trained & certified as a meditation teacher in India (300 hr), in an intensive program at Shree Mahesh Heritage Meditation School.
In 2018, I began leading compassion & embodiment circles, which laid the foundation for the Come Alive group workshops you can join today.
In 2019, I studied at Psychic Boulder Horizons and learned how to hone my innate intuitive, clairvoyant & claircognizant abilities from the talented teachers there.
Early 2020, I took my energy healing skills to the next level and was certified as a Reiki healer (Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki Level I&II) by the wonderful Joan Maute in Hawai’i. Although I do not offer Reiki sessions to clients, I incorporate techniques of energy healing in my sessions to teach others how to remove energy blockages in their bodies and lives.
In 2024, I continue to work with my spiritual coach/mentor of many years, Ryan Angelo. Together we delve deeply into the soul’s wisdom and self mastery work. I’ve learned a lot about grounded spirituality from Ryan and ways to set ourselves free from ancestral trauma & limiting beliefs, as well as working with our higher selves, angels, and guides on a daily basis.
Overtime through a lot of guidance, meditation, spiritual experiences, seeking, and gifts life has given me, I have reawakened many of my soul’s psychic gifts and knowledge from previous lifetimes. I live in concert with my divine self and can sometimes hardly believe the miracles that have unfolded for me. Life has truly become a magical thing for me and I feel so grateful and blessed to be a student of the Universe’s vast mysteries.
Ready to take the leap & shine as you truly are?
Book a free call with me to discover how to unlock your full potential today.
It’s time to come alive and thrive.
“Be brave. Without bravery, you will never know the world as richly as it longs to be known. Without bravery, your life will remain small—far smaller than you probably wanted your life to be.”
-Elizabeth Gilbert