1:1 Block Removal & Soul Reading Session
One session to release what’s holding you back, find clarity, and quantum leap forward into the life of your dreams.
Imagine letting go of blocks and accessing new heights in your life with joy and ease.
If you feel like some area of your life just isn’t working… if you’re aware of a stubborn block that won’t let go…or if you just feel so in it that you can’t find your way through, this is the perfect springboard to get back into clarity and peace again.
We are each born with a dharma, a divine purpose to fulfill. Many of us spend years or even decades searching to hear the whispers from our soul to know what we’re really here to do to follow our paths and enjoy our lives.
So many of us have a challenging time actualizing on our dharmas and dreams because we’ve internalized limiting beliefs that are directly blocking forward progress. What if it could be easier?
“My Soul Reading with Nicole far exceeded my expectations. I've seen many healers and coaches and none have helped me see and work through my inner blocks in such a clear and supportive way. After only one session, I feel a sense of inspiration and motivation I haven't felt in years.”
Gain clarity and receive a higher perspective on your life path.
My dharma is to read what your soul’s path is and on a deep quantum level work together with you to clear blocks or patterns that may be holding you back from living in alignment with your true self and soul’s purpose now. This can include soul retrieval work and clearing ancestral trauma for both future and past generations in your lineage. This is powerful, life-changing work. Together we go deep and find a path that feels right and in highest alignment for you. Ready to dive in?
Quantum leap into the next chapter of your life.
For over 10 years, I have been doing readings for people to help them understand more about where their souls are in their incarnation journeys and how to live in highest alignment with their true selves. I have had the privilege to have studied all over the world with incredible teachers in meditation, somatic awareness techniques, energy healing, spiritual mastery, neuroplasticity (consciously rewiring the brain), advanced psychic awareness and more. I love what I do and am so excited to work with you!
Once you book your call look out for an email from me detailing how to connect. Talk soon, dear one!
“Nicole’s soul reading really helped me tune in and experience my more realized self directly. I loved and felt guided by the channeled images she shared, but my highlight was working collaboratively with Nicole to answer questions about what the future might feel like - while in touch with my soul! During the days that have followed I already feel profound shifts beginning to emerge. Thank you Nicole for helping put me in touch with my own higher guidance!”
“During my soul session with Nicole energies in my body began to shift and reorganize; this has continued since, especially as I have leaned into taking my next steps, which were accessed during the session. Nicole held space for my higher self and my wounded parts that needed to be felt and heard. The channeled guidance was quite potent and exactly what I needed to hear. Feeling Gratitude.”
“Nicole is laser-accurate.”
“Every once in awhile you do something that changes you in a big way. Working with Nicole has done this for me! I will never be able to thank her enough and highly recommend taking a chance that has impacted my life in ways I’m still learning.”
You were born to live a life of joy, fulfillment & inner peace.
You don’t have to walk this path alone.
What are you waiting for?

“Part of the blessing and challenge of being human is that we must discover our own true God-given nature. This is not some noble, abstract quest but an inner necessity. For only by living in our own element can we thrive without anxiety. And since human beings are the only life form that can drown and still go to work, the only species that can fall from the sky and still fold laundry, it is imperative that we find that vital element that brings us alive... the true vitality that waits beneath all occupations for us to tap into, if we can discover what we love. If you feel energy and excitement and a sense that life is happening for the first time, you are probably near your God-given nature. Joy in what we do is not an added feature; it is a sign of deep health.”
-Mark Nepo