Higher Guidance Reading for the Pisces New Moon

Set the stage for miracles to unfold. It’s all within you.


What do you dream of?
What do you long for? What do you hope will happen, in your heart of hearts, in your lifetime?
What do you wish to experience? What kind of life would you enjoy the most?

These are great questions to journal about for this new moon. Identify your dreams--but as this new moon encourages us, don't wait for them to happen to you. 
Set the stage so that your dreams can unfold right now, before your eyes. The seed of all that potential is within you. It's time to trust it and let it grow.

Note from Nicole: For this higher guidance reading, I got the strong sense from my guides that this isn't the time to wait for better days or for miracles to arrive on our door steps. 
The seed has already been planted, they seemed to say. Now it's time to open our doors, trust in our own becoming, and wake up to the life of our dreams. Miracles have already arrived. The gift of life has been here all this while.

As always, take what resonates and leave the rest. Let me know in the comments what dreams you’re opening up to this month.



Many have felt lost, somehow untethered to the center of where they wanted to be for some time now.

It is normal to feel as if the boat, rudderless, is moving in circles, as if you’ll never reach the shore, the time of things to come.

Tuning into the spiritual realm, we can feel change--all we desire--is happening on a mega scale, in great leaps and bounds. 

On the 3D Earth plane, it feels as if things are moving very slowly, as if weighed down in sticky molasses.

The challenge, or the opportunity, depending on your outlook, is to look at this time as an education to be the bridge between the realms--so that instead of waiting for the spiritual realm to come to you on the earth plane, you are one with it while still on earth. 

That is a powerful form of transmutation, and it’s as natural as breathing in oxygen.

It takes practice, focus, and discipline, but you can do it. You can be the vessel that carries all that is possible in your being. 

As above so below.

There is not so much difference between heaven and earth as we may believe.

The guidance for this lunar cycle, should you choose to accept, is to stop waiting for the spiritual, or the miracles to come to you—for life to “happen” to you.

Be the one who is already holding all these worlds within.

Within one woman, there exists all parts of the journey—the maiden, the mother, the crone.


The journey is cyclical yes, but it is also all one, all within you. The seed that carries the potential of the tree.

Yes, the right conditions must be present for the seed to begin to grow, but first there must be faith, and time, the stirring of what you long to be, what you long to experience and achieve.

This is the time to go forth and embody that next chapter energy you wish to experience.

Don’t only wait for the right people or luck or opportunity to come to you.

Be that which you already know you can be. Who you really are. Hold that in your awareness. See it in your mind's eye, and bring that into the earth plane.

Connect to the higher realms on a regular basis through meditation, prayer, mindful movement, etc, while grounding that down into your reality. 

You can be that which you desire. 

You can have that which you long for.

It’s not as far off as you may think. 

Our dreams do not require a “golden ticket” or special circumstances to come to fruition.

Connect back to your center, your faith, your belief in what’s possible, and anchor that into your current reality.

Last month we said to you: embody the change you wish to see.

This month we encourage you to not be held up on waiting for bigger change to see that it has already arrived. 

It’s all here now. You are waking up to it--becoming aware of your highest potential-- more and more.

Pisces energy can be imaginative and deeply sensitive. It can remind us of what’s underneath the surface of the water, and to see our reflections and wonder if what we see is real or an imagined reality.

Yes the imagining, the dreaming happens in your head, but it is real too. You are creating with every breath you take. It’s already there. So live as if it’s already happened. Keep seeking and you will find, and above all, believe it’s possible, and it will be so. It already is. 

What if everything you dream for, everything you hope and pray for, is already here, waiting to bloom under the snow like so many small flowers in the springtime?

Perhaps you can’t see it with the surface senses, but if you take the time, you can feel it.


Open your arms, your life, to what is already stirring within you--your greatest hopes, dreams, and desires. 

This isn’t being idealistic, this is being real—as real as anything you can see. If you can dream it, we say, it already exists. Stop waiting for your dreams to come to you. Be the dream and enact the plan you need to take now to have the space for the dream—in all its glory—to unfold as it may. 

Don’t wait. Become.

And trust what’s already in you.

Much love and light to you,


P.S. Want a personalized Higher Guidance reading? I channel several readings for my clients during our time together. Book a free call with me to learn more.


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