How to Boost Your Creativity and Stop Self-Sabotaging
Become the Creative Powerhouse That You Are and Learn How To Let the Divine Energy of Creation Flow Through You
Maybe you have a book or creative project inside you yearning to be free, but it’s just not happening with ease (or at all). If you’re wanting to get out of your own way and majorly improve the flow of your creativity right now, this article is for you.
For many years, I desperately wanted to channel my creativity into projects I loved and spend more of my free time actively being creative, but first I had to deal with a crippling sense of self-sabotage and self doubt. I’d sometimes feel so challenged to get into the flow of a project, even though I knew I would love it—I felt like I was trudging through thick molasses to build the momentum needed to follow through. I knew I had the potential to be incredibly creative and prolific, but more and more time passed and I would never seem to get to what I wanted to do. When on a blue moon I would create, I would surprise myself with what I could do, and then I’d never share it or drop it for something else less exciting. I eventually became tired of my patterns and knew something had to change.
From my years working with others as an intuitive life coach, I also know this is quite a common struggle. I decided recently to compile my own best tips and practices that have helped me and clients overcome self-sabotage.
From feeling so blocked and frustrated for years, I now enjoy higher levels of creative flow than I ever have before in my adult life and feel more easeful and open in other parts of my day because of prioritizing my creativity. I’m so excited about what I’m creating right now and how much life can open up when creativity is flowing. Creativity is one of the pathways towards our true divine natures and accessing higher states of joy and ease. The truth is: we were all born to be creative powerhouses. Let me prove it to you.
15 practical ways to get out of your own way and access higher levels of creativity and ease:
1.Get clear on what you’re called to create at this time.
Ask yourself what most excites you to create. We sometimes have ideas about what we should be doing, or even what others think we should spend our time on. Or we feel dried up and confused about where to begin. Let your mind open, get quiet and still and ask your heart what is in the highest good for you to create at this time. If you could create anything, what would it be? You might surprise yourself with the answer. If you’re like me and have many creative projects cooking in the wings, focus on the one that gives you the most lift or excitement right now. The others can come in good time. If imagining following through on this project gives you a sense of genuine excitement, you’re on the right track. That is your higher mind letting you know that this is the pathway for you. For more on this, I highly recommend looking up Bashar (a wonderful channelled being via Darryl Anka) and his formula to live a fulfilling, authentic life.
I was born to be creative. I was born to channel creative energy through me.
I follow my inner knowing that tells me what to create now.
2. Accept where you are now. Let go of judgement and be gentle with yourself.
So many of us get stuck in the spiral of “I should have figured this out by now.” Or “I should be farther along than I am.” “I should already be a best selling author/painter/ceramicist/candle maker!!” “I am way less talented than so-and-so. Who am I to think I could be an artist?” This can be subtle or very loud in our minds. The truth is, where you are is perfect, and you’ll never get farther along if you don’t begin where you are. Forgive yourself for this if you need and start to see how it’s perfect for you to be exactly where you’re at. Start here, start now. You are ready to begin. Give yourself permission for your inner creative to flourish. If you feel called to take a class or find someone to help you develop your skills, do it. That can help you with the confidence needed to begin—but don’t fall into the trap of never feeling good enough because you haven’t taken enough classes or gotten enough certifications yet. The seed of your gift is already there, nurture and honor it as it is.
3. Everything is workable. It is worth it to work on this.
This is a concept I keep in my mind anytime trauma, limiting beliefs, or hardship come up for me. When we are willing to face whatever is arising within us that is limiting our expression or holding us back from our dreams, we uncover more of the brilliant truth of ourselves and we shine that much brighter. The sooner we face these things, the sooner we are free. Instead of wishing you didn’t have writer’s block, sabotaging behavior, or whatever you feel is keeping you from realizing your full creative abilities, get curious about what is present for you and work with yourself to find the truth again and peace within yourself. It is possible; we were never meant to be stuck in loops of self-sabotage or fear. You are your own best ally here—the one who will be with you your whole life. Be dedicated to work with yourself no matter what comes up and you will experience more ease and self-trust overtime. Get help if you need it as it’s sometimes hard to see beyond our own realities. Excuses just perpetuate victimhood and delay—the same old stuff we are tired of that don’t serve us or our creativity. A great question to ask yourself today is “Beloved self, what do you need right now to work on this project?”
4. Set yourself up for success: create a creativity portal that serves you. Set the intention that this is your creativity time and ask for divine support and guidance to help you.
Let’s say you’d ideally love to begin work on a creative project this week—I invite you first to set up a space for yourself to do it with everything you need—this is the physical creativity portal that helps you drop in to your creative flow at a moment’s notice. A common excuse people might have is that they don’t have everything they need to pursue the project or they don’t have the space to do it in—or because there are so many other things they have to take care of, they have no time. What really helps me is to treat myself like I would a beloved child who I want to support in every way possible. I make sure she will have everything set up for her to rock out and enjoy herself when the time comes and I prioritize that time as very important. I set the physical space intentionally so that it will best support me in the act of creation. It can take me just a couple moments to clear a space in my home and make it ready for what I want to do—it doesn’t have to be a perfect studio art room (although that is awesome if you have it). This is where the true magic comes in: I have found that setting the physical space and then setting an intention in my mind for creative energy to flow through me in service to this project tremendously boost my creative flow. If setting up a physical space and time is impossible for your situation (such as a house with little children), consider staying up later or waking up earlier than everyone. Be creative (pun intended) with your unique circumstances.
Beauty, cleanliness, and simplicity help me have an open channel for creativity to flourish.
When I set the container both physical and energetic, I create a portal for creativity to flow.
5. If you’re easily distracted and it’s time to create but you’re just not fully present, take a few breaths and ask your heart the guided action to do in this moment.
If you feel guided to do your project right now, then choose that fully and dive in, knowing it’s your conscious choice. You can set a timer to pursue this for the next 25 minutes, or whatever time feels good to you (not too much to start, but be realistic about what you’re available for right now vs what would be ideal). Paradoxically, the guided action may be to do the distraction right now. If that’s the case, no worries. Try not to judge yourself for this. When this happens for me and the urge to distract is just too strong, I set a timer for 10 minutes for me to go ahead and enjoy the distraction without any guilt. When the timer goes off, I let myself gently transition to the thing I’m really wanting to do. I set another timer for 25 minutes and make a deal with myself: If I stay on task for the next 25 minutes with no distractions or breaks unless the bathroom calls, I can see what I will have created during that time and reward myself after with going outside in the sunshine, some food, a happy dance, something fun, etc. I celebrate myself consciously when the timer goes off because no matter how much I’ve actually just accomplished, the truth is, I just spent intentional time on this thing that I’ve been avoiding and wanting to do! That is AMAZING! Yay!!! I’m not interested in being my own jailer, but rather, like tip number four, I’m wanting to set myself up for success and setting a time container helps me stay more focused. If feeling prone to distraction, 25 minutes is a good time to begin, but check in to see what time feels optimal and doable to you. If you find yourself getting distracted after a certain time limit passes, that is your new time limit. Honor it and set the timer to go off before that happens next time, with no shame or judgement. This is an experiment to see how best to support yourself. Be light with this.
6. If you’re having a hard time getting in the flow, get curious instead of judgmental. Be the neutral witness to your experience and see what energies and beliefs come up when you attempt to do the thing you’re wanting to do.
As if you’re watching a show on stage, watch what happens within you and around you when you’re trying to pursue your project. If something inside is preventing you from really dropping in and doing the thing you want to do, instead of trying to muscle through it, work with these energies so that they no longer have power over you. Accept that they are there right now and they are impacting you. It doesn’t mean anything negative about you, but rather that you have some interesting programs that are interfering with your sacred work and no longer wish them to hold you back. Imagine going into where the energy resides in your body—intuitively follow the energy until you’ve landed there with your hands or focus. Then ask yourself, what must I believe about myself for this to be here? What is the message here? Get quiet and tune in and listen to that place in your body. Notice if you’re wanting to avoid doing this—this might mean this belief is keeping you in your comfort zone and it’s safe and familiar to keep this program running as it may be benefiting you in an unconscious way. Breathe through that and use your will to do this anyway. Get curious about what you might discover. We always have very good reasons for believing what we do, so once you’ve discovered the belief, you can do 1 of 2 things: you can recognize that it isn’t actually true (it’s an illusion) and come back to what is true. Repeat to yourself what is true from your heart—normally the exact opposite of what the belief said. Say it several times out loud until you notice it dissipate—this helps release the energy and resonate the truth in instead. Feel free to move your body around as you do this too. Number 2, you can use the energy of compassion and feel into the energy, holding the energy with tender-hearted understanding to see the root of when you first formed this belief. Sometimes when we have understanding about why we believe what we do, we don’t cling so hard to the belief anymore and we can rewrite it with the truth from your wise, loving adult eyes or higher self. If struggling to do this on your own, ask for help from a trusted source. If you feel called, I provide this service in one of my 1:1 Energetic Realignment & Soul Reading sessions.
The universe is supporting me every step of the way.
When I trust in the perfection of what is present, I soften into what is real: the truth, my aliveness, love, the energy of creation running through my body.
7. Don’t give attention to distracting thoughts or sensations while in the act of creating. Focus on what’s true instead and avoid being sidetracked. Tune into the energy of creation, of the universe supporting you in this moment to be a conduit.
When I realize that thoughts are just thoughts and I don’t give them any attention or energy, they naturally become less and less prevalent. What we focus on expands. So if I can focus on what is true, on what I am creating in this moment, that helps me stay in the truth frequency which makes it more enjoyable for me to be in a state of flow and creation. Sometimes it’s good to take the time out to explore the root of insistent thoughts or limiting beliefs and let go of what no longer serves, but sometimes it’s in alignment to simply redirect our focus from distractions, weird thoughts, discomfort, a weird day, etc, into the truth of our beings and how good it feels to do this thing we love. A simple prayer to help is “Great Spirit/God/Universe/Creator (whatever word resonates for you), please help me with this project right now. Flow through me with your energy. Use my hands, my lips, my voice, my body as your instrument for the highest good. Show me the way. Thank you for your guidance and support. I know you are with me every step of the way.”
8. If you’re encountering the energy of not feeling good enough or not liking what you’re creating, change the station.
Pause, move your body, take a break, reset your mind. Do you really not like what you’ve created or was it just a funky station in your mind temporarily influencing your perception? Take a step back and see it anew with eyes of love. You can reset your station by staring at something you find beautiful and becoming very present with its beauty. If you’re hitting a dead end, take a longer break and come back to it with fresh eyes. Don’t give up on yourself. It could seem ‘terrible’ right now because it’s the first draft and first drafts are messy. Persist and see what you might carve it into when you keep going.
I see everything with eyes of love.
I attune to beauty and its divine presence infuses my work.
9. There is no one else that can create the thing you are here to create like you. Please don’t deprive the world of the gems that you are here to share. What you have to share is valuable. Explore your creative voice and honor it.
Are there people who do what you want to do “better” than you? Maybe. But can they do it in the exact way that you can? No. Only you can. Read that again and let it sink in: Only you can create what you are here to create. No one else will ever be able to. It isn’t about being “the best” or receiving acclaim or accolades. When you’re really in touch with letting your creativity flow, it’s about being connected to your true self and being brave enough to let that authenticity shine as it will. Will people judge you for what you create? Maybe, but most people are not thinking too hard about what we do most of the time, if at all. Even if it’s super “amateurish” at first, your genuine enthusiasm will draw the right people to see it at the right time. Amateur is actually a favorite word of mine: it means ‘lover of’ in French. And that’s the most important thing: be the true lover of what you are creating. Your unique creation energy will never be replicable and will never be seen again on this planet in the same way as it is right now—so it can never really be compared to anything else, not even to your future self’s creations. The thing you might be judging about your creation may be the very thing someone else loves the most. Start embracing and loving your unique creative talent as it is now and how it comes through. Aren’t you curious to see what you might create if you give yourself the chance?
10. Put no limits on what you create—do not predetermine what it will be. Let go of the ideas of what it will look like or what it will feel like to create it. Instead, open up to inspiration and let it flow through you.
This is so important and what we like to say is the practice of not limiting God. When we have ideas in our heads of what it’s supposed to be, we unintentionally limit our own expression. When we are in the state of openness and curiosity, Source energy flows through us which is what so many of the great artists talk about when they “uncover” what was waiting for them to discover in the block of clay or blank canvas. This is truly the act of getting out of the way and letting the divine flow through you. When we relinquish control, magic can unfold. Discover what is wanting to come through moment by moment, without judgement, and you may delight and surprise yourself with what flows through. Be a willing conduit for your unique divine expression and so much will open up for you and within you. This lets us go way beyond what we could dream up from our minds alone. In this way, we also stop thinking about what other people do or what other people might like or dislike and instead, it becomes a genuine unique expression from our very being.
11. Be discerning about what you’re consuming and where you’re spending the majority of your time each day. This includes social media, books, TV, food, hobbies, altering substances (such as alcohol, weed, coffee), friends’ conversations, etc. Does it dull you or give you life?
This is a great moment to explore if how you are spending your time is positively or negatively impacting your creativity. This can be a humbling reality check because we realize that while we are trying our best, we may be engaging in some activities that are not serving us and are actually dulling our lights. In today’s busy society, we’ve normalized so many numbing activities and substances as ‘fun’ or ‘understandable’ in order to survive, but rarely do we enter into a deep inquiry to check in and ask ourselves if all of these things are truly benefiting us. Get curious about dropping one thing this week (or even for the next month) that you know would be better if you didn’t partake in and see how it might impact you and your creativity. A great sign for what to let go of is something that afterwards makes you feel drained, tired, or out of sorts. Do it as an experiment and ask for support from loved ones if you need. The more we can choose life-giving things for ourselves, the more time seems to open up to us and the easier it is to be creative and feel more easeful in general. Again, start small, make it doable and see how that impacts your process. When we unclutter our minds from the noise of distractions and return to the truth of who we are, the more we can be the open channels we were designed to be.
12. When inspiration strikes, ride the wave.
Even when you’re at work and a song idea comes through, go to the bathroom, record the idea in a voice memo and come back to it when you have the time. Treat inspiration like a very important phone call that you must take in that moment. Even if you can’t expand on that phone call to make it into an hour long conversation like you’d like right that instant, note down the inspiration and honor it later. You never know what will come calling, especially if you are receptive. If it’s inconvenient but possible to follow through on now, do it now. The most creative people I know do this and it creates great results for them.
When I am willing to show up, the Universe responds in kind.
I am a conduit and I cherish the responsibility of what it means to allow the divine to flow through me.
13. Tend to your creative projects consistently.
This tip alone is so important and helpful for our inner creative genius to thrive. Just like a garden, it must be tended to consistently for best results. Maybe everyday, maybe a few times a month, but it needs to be consistent, especially if we’ve been not practicing for awhile. It is amazing how when we turn on the creative energy and start to tend to our creativity regularly, we receive even more inspiration and flow (and opportunities to express ourselves). Keep it going and tend to your creative project(s) regularly. Make it a regular date with yourself and be as consistent as possible. And again, no judgement if you miss the appointed day. Come right back to it as soon as you can and keep going.
14. Honor how you are already creative in your life and embrace the creative energy in your body even more.
I love this tip because it reminds me that I am already a wildly creative person and am creating all day in so many ways. My creativity is not something to be “fixed” because it is not broken. This energy is flowing through me every time I make a meal, make a decision, come up with a solution, use my imagination, admire a flower or something beautiful, and more. I am creating my reality every second I’m alive. When we affirm that we are already creative, it flows much easier and we remember it is our natural birthright to be creative. All young children know this and would never question you if you told them they are an artist. It’s only our conditioning that makes us believe otherwise. So affirm the small ways in which you are already a creative person and celebrate that! It can only grow from here.
15. Take it all the way with no attachment to a cherished outcome. Follow the thread.
Once you’re in a project, take it as far as you can go until you naturally feel it is no longer time for you to commit to it anymore. Maybe this project will lead you to the next one, maybe it will lead you to someone important, maybe it will lead you forward on your path in some significant way—or not—but stay committed to it so you can let it fully bloom as it wants to. Don’t take it personally if it naturally tapers off or receives no outside recognition. Don’t judge it—just continue to follow the energy of what you’re guided to create. Enjoy it as it comes. Maybe it will only make sense why you did this project 40 years from now, maybe never. Do it anyway, with devotion. Do it because you feel the call. Do it because you know in your heart it’s the right thing for you to do, even if it makes no sense to you or anyone you know right now. Do it and be free. The path will reveal itself to you step by step. This is the step to take now. Are you willing?
I let my work be an offering for the benefit of all.
I see that this is bigger than me. Engaging my creativity is an act of pure devotion that I enjoy dedicating myself to.
Gold to take away from this article: Practice non-judgement of yourself and what you’re creating at all times. Meet yourself where you are and begin now. Make it doable. Always work with yourself and any patterns that are limiting your expression and either be willing to release them or get help to do so. Create a creativity portal with a clean space and time that honors your creative project and be dedicated to showing up and allowing the divine to flow through you. Ask what you are called to create and explore your unique expression. No one can create exactly like you can so there is no need to compare or feel inadequate. Share your gifts! You never know who might benefit from what you offer in the world. Honor your creative expression by being consistent and tending to it. You will be rewarded with more ease and flow in other aspects of your life as well. Look at what you create with eyes of love and keep going! Be discerning about what you consume in your life and let go of what is dulling your shine. Don’t let yourself be sidetracked or distracted: your creative projects are important and should be treated as such. Take it all the way as far as it wants to go and let yourself be led one step at a time with no expectations or cherished outcome. Be brave and discover what it is you are here to create moment by moment. Have fun and enjoy!
I hope this article was helpful for you. I’m rooting you on, you creative amazing being you!
Lots of love and blessings,
P.S. I love to help my clients be wildly creative and pursue what they know in their hearts they are here to create AND take what they think they can do to new heights in a fun, expansive way. I also love helping clients overcome blocks, get real inner clarity, and not feel so alone when they are struggling to do the thing they really want to do in the world. If you’re interested in working with me, book a free call to see if it’s a good fit. I have a few 1:1 intuitive coaching spots opening right now and I’d love to connect with you!
Become the creative powerhouse that you are and learn how to let the divine energy of creation flow through you. If you’re wanting to get out of your own way and majorly improve the flow of your creativity right now, this article is for you.